
How we are working more sustainably
Being in the haulage and transportation industry and therefore using traditional combustion engines (while scientists work on other ways to power trucks and vans), Xpression Group feels the weight of their responsibility, not only to the environment, but on behalf of all our customers (and society as a whole) to consider the environment in everything we do. We fully recognise our place in the infrastructure of the Transportation and Events world and are working to provide greener, more efficient services through innovative solutions.
Xpression is working with a variety of organisations to ensure we explore every possible avenue to reducing waste, plastic and carbon, as well as off-setting where necessary.

Xpression are the proud holder of an ISO9001 certification.
ISO 9001

Working with local suppliers, we endeavour to produce biodegradable assets wherever possible. For example, any paper based items (flyers, brochures, posters) will be either biodegradable, reusable or have a plan (in advance) for their correct disposal. Today items such as Sail Flags, Posters, Totem inserts, etc can be produced to be biodegradable or, re-usable with a view to correct disposal after use.
Biodegradable Assets and Collateral

Xpression operates a workshop for producing reusable assets, such as welcome desks and event stands. Items like wood and white materials provide flexibility for clients to customize with colors and logos, easily removable post-event for reuse. All potentially reusable items are retained, saving costs by adapting existing pieces for client needs. On-site production minimizes shipping, ensuring quality control. While clients can choose to create from scratch, Xpression also sources items when cost-effective, ensuring responsible disposal or reuse.
Renew, Re-use, Recycle

Xpression Servicing does all truck, van, hospitality unit and hydraulics servicing in-house, reducing transportation miles and cost, and ensuring our own high standards of repair and recycling.
All items have a pre-delivery inspection and a post-project inspection at which point any damage or wear and tear is dealt with internally, fast and efficiently, ensuring items are kept in a high-quality state rather than disposing of them and buying more.
In-house Servicing

Xpression Logistics are now running over 40 ULEZ (Ultra Low Emissions Zone) compliant vehicles (Euro6), plus a number of Electric Vehicles for parts of the country with a ZEZ (Zero Emissions Zone) policy

Xpression have moved the fuelling of items such as our Generators from traditional diesel to more sustainable biofuels

Xpression have, over the years, built up a network of local (or at least, UK based) suppliers to, where possible, reduce distance of delivery, have confidence they too are ethical and fair in their trading, and work to UK standards and quality.
Local Suppliers

Waste Disposal
Plastic Reduction
Storage is not without cost so careful monitoring of inventories is key. Xpression ensure they keep items which they feel will be useful in the future and correctly dispose of anything that will not be.
Storage is dependent on what the item is, so that all items are kept at their highest quality e.g. items are always re-packed into their boxes before being put back on racks to keep them clean, date sensitive items such as water or food are closely monitored and kept at the correct temperatures, etc.
All waste is disposed of via the correct channels which include :
Donating items to relevant charities
Donating relevant items to local schools
Splitting items into their correct categories to go to disposal centres
Selling items on Ebay or other social media sites.
Liaison with each individual client on where/how they would like their assets disposed of once no longer in use.
Xpression actively seeks to minimize plastic usage and promote reusability. For instance, uniforms are stored in biodegradable bags within transparent, labeled, and reusable boxes, kept separately in the warehouse. In the haulage industry, where plastic reduction is a challenge, Xpression collaborates with suppliers and agencies to encourage reduced plastic usage..

Carbon Offset Certified
Carbon Neutral Delivery Certified